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Functional MRI

Welcome to the landing page for all things related to functional MRI (fMRI) in our lab. Whether you're a new student, a researcher, or someone interested in learning more about fMRI, you'll find everything you need hereā€”from getting started with your work environment to data analysis.

  • First steps

    Everything you need to know before you start scanning, including MRI booking, invoicing, training and ethical approval.

    Get started

  • Scanning Procedure

    Detailed guidelines for preparing and conducting fMRI scans, including participants registration, equipment setup, and scan procedures.

    View procedures

  • Data Analysis

    The step-by-step workflow we use to pre-process and analyze fMRI data.

    Start analyzing

  • fMRI Task

    You need to code your fMRI task and you don't know where to start? Check out this fMRI task template from the Hoplab Github repositories.

    See the repo

Here are some helpful links to external resources for fMRI data analysis, tools, and tutorials:

TODO: [ANDREA] it would be nice to add some info on how to perform analysis and plotting using nilearn and nibabel (also see neuromaps for converting between spaces and surf<->volume, and surfplot for surface plotting from volume/surf), as they are overall more flexible than current tools we use (e.g., handle both volumes and surfaces, can be used easily to perform GLM and extract signal from ROIs, easy to import masks, etc.) TODO: [ANDREA] add info on where to find atlases and standard templates (e.g., TODO: [ANDREA] it would be nice to have some info on surface space signal extraction, analysis and plotting + what are common FreeSurfer output geometries (pial, inflated, etc.)