For setting up the long-range eye-tracking system in the fMRI room (MR8), please consult this page.
If you want more information on the stand-alone eye-tracking system to run behavioural experiments, please consult this page instead.
TODO: here we can should the info from this page (we received permission from the creator). Some of the points (e.g., 1,2,6,10) are particularly relevant for our setup. The issues we encounter are usually related to noisy images from the camera and low/badly distributed IR illumination.
NOTE: I am not sure whether we need this eye-tracking section. We could perhaps just keep the ET info within the relevant sections (fmri, behaviour)? Unless there is more general info that does not fit in those sections, e.g. lin to scripts, resources, manuals, overall workflow to collect, process and analyze data (which I would assume is roughly the same between fmri and behaviour).